Pete Souza shares adorable, perfectly-timed photo of the Obamas


A picture is worth 1,000 words, unless Pete Souza is posting it ... then it's worth 1,000 words, a flood of beautiful nostalgia, some laughter, a few tears of joy, and a glorious heap of shade.

Obama's former White House photographer has become something of an icon on Instagram, frequently posting throwback photos of Obama in office that coincidentally (JK they are totally planned) seem to coincide with whatever Trump and his administration are up to at the moment.

On Tuesday morning Souza blessed his followers with an adorable memory of Barack and Michelle defining #RelationshipGoals (as they always do). And with a two word caption it seems he once again managed to sub-Insta Trump in the process. Read more...

More about Conversations, Politics, Instagram, Photography, and Obama

via Zero Tech Blog

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