Oh my god, please shut up about The Skimm


So! Right now on the parts of the internet mostly occupied by People Who Work In the Business of Content (or as known by their Hebrew name: Media Schmucks), there's a fiery debate raging, mostly through the dumb art of white-hot takery, about a critical issue for this terrifyingly weird and abrasive moment in American history: 

An email newsletter. 

Yes: And you thought [INSERT LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE] was important. But you were wrong. 

The email newsletter in question is called The Skimm. It's a daily digest of news and internet links, written—like so many email newsletters to come before it, and that will come after—with a specific tone, for a specific audience. The Skimm has become wildly successful, due in no small part to that tone, which is conversational, and casual, and flippant, and cheeky.  Read more...

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via Zero Tech Blog

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