Man carries out the ultimate photo-swapping prank, mum hilariously fails to notice


The best types of prank are the ones that are hiding in plain sight ... but somehow still go on unnoticed.

Jake from Derby, UK, shared the following tweet on Sunday:

My brother's changed his photo on the staircase to Kim Jong-un and my mum still hasn't noticed after 2 weeks

— Jake (@Slatez_) May 5, 2017

Yep, his brother Ben swapped his family photo for a nicely framed pictured of North Korea's supreme leader — and his mum was none the wiser for two whole weeks.

Jake told Mashable he didn't know where his brother got the idea from, but he was surprised by how much attention the tweet received (60,000+ retweets at the time of writing). Read more...

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via Zero Tech Blog

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