Kid helps his class evade colds one dab at a time


If you thought the dab was dead, please scroll below and witness its resurrection. 

Paul Ryan and Prince Harry killed the dab with their haphazard attempts to be hip, but one little boy single-handily saved the dictionary defined dance move with his health conscious effort that will hopefully usher in a very different second coming of the dab.

This is what my son is doing at school

— Just Joe With It (@IsThisShitOn) May 22, 2017

In a viral tweet, @IsThisShitOn shared a printed image of his son dabbing. It's cute, until you realize the photograph has been repurposed for his fellow classmates to learn a bit more about cleanliness. It's more than cute. It's perfect. Read more...

More about Watercooler, Conversations, Dabbing, Dab, and Watercooler

via Zero Tech Blog

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