Google is boring now, and that's bad news for innovation


Trust me, I never thought it would come to this. If you had asked me a week ago what I was expecting from Google's I/O developer conference, "boring" is not the word that would've come to mind.

Yet, looking at this year's announcements, I'm struck most by how completely expected and, well, safe it all is. Sure, Google Lens was far and away the best thing Google previewed here, and a standalone VR headset is particularly enticing if you're a VR enthusiast (so far a pretty small, self-selecting group).

But none of that is exciting or especially innovative. Google Lens is just a rehashed version of Google Goggles (albeit slightly more useful), and we've been hearing rumors about Google's standalone VR headset for well over a year. Read more...

More about Tech, Google, Apps And Software, Google Io, and Google Io 2017

via Zero Tech Blog

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