Amy Schumer's 'Snatched' wants to be funny and emotional, but only succeeds at one of those things


The big selling point of Snatched is that it's a mother-daughter comedy starring Amy Schumer, a white-hot A-lister at the peak of her career; and Goldie Hawn, a living legend back from hiatus.

What a disappointment, then, that that central pairing is one of the least successful things about it.

To be fair, the actresses aren't to blame. Schumer is right in her comfort zone as Emily Middleton, an aimless young woman that you might describe as a "free spirit" if were feeling generous and a "slob" if you weren't. Hawn, in her first big-screen role in 15 years, gamely plays along as Linda, Emily's loving but overly cautious mother. Read more...

More about Movies, Amy Schumer, Goldie Hawn, Snatched, and Entertainment

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