The end is near for cinema. Go to the movies while there's still time


It's been a great run for cinema, a business that began with the Lumière brothers' early creations flickering in Paris playhouses in 1895, then generated untold billions in ticket sales over its 120-plus years since. Sadly, it's about to suffer a mortal wound, right there in your living room.

The movie theater as we know it is poised to die a slow, mostly peaceful death. But it is certain.

The cause: Premium VOD, digital on-demand delivery of films to your TV and devices on a much shorter schedule than the traditional 90 days. The latest proposals bring movies to homes 10 or 45 days after they hit theaters; others have aspired to deliver them day-of. Read more...

More about Premium Vod, Cinemacon, Movie Theaters, Movies, and Entertainment

via Zero Tech Blog

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