Sheryl Sandberg's #20PercentCounts is your new Equal Pay mantra


Maybe it comes as a shocker, or not, but on average, in America? Women are paid 20 percent less than men are. 

That's the message Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg—whose other claims to fame include writing Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead—has for you to know, to understand, and to act on. 

Timed with Equal Pay Day on April 4, Sandberg's launching a new campaign titled #20PercentCounts, People reported Monday. 

The effort includes partnerships with businesses—including energy bar company LUNA and your friendly neighborhood "woke" ride-hailing app Lyft—in 25 different American cities, as well as a campaign video, created by Funny Or Die, Hulu, and  Read more...

More about Lyft, Business, Silicon Valley, Workplace, and Discrimination

via Zero Tech Blog

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