Psychedelic shrimp with tons of sonic energy named after Pink Floyd


Scientists have honored a pistol shrimp with a bright pink snapping claw with the ultimate rocker name: Synalpheus pinkfloydi.

The newly discovered sea creature, from the tropical eastern Pacific near Panama, was named after the progressive rock band Pink Floyd, according to a study published Wednesday in the journal Zootaxa

The shrimp can stun and even kill a small fish with its sonic energy, so it's fitting that it's named for a rock band. The British band isn't necessarily known for its super loud sounds and heart-shaking rhythms — you're more likely to enjoy their tunes from the couch than the dance floor — but the researchers clearly have a soft spot for the musical group. Read more...

More about Biology, Science, Shrimp, Study, and Pink Floyd

via Zero Tech Blog

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