Old Hollywood Easter


Easter in old Hollywood clearly had its quirks.

Take, for example, these surreal publicity shots from the early days of filmmaking, featuring young Hollywood in its Easter best.

Doris Day poses in a human-sized picnic basket, while Alla Nazimova perches atop a giant mushroom, donning massive bunny ears and whiskers.

But it's Jean Parker, posed alongside a bear-sized rabbit companion, who landed the oddest shoot concept. Modern horror has nothing on vintage Easter bunnies.

Doris Day poses in a massive Easter basket. 1952

Top to bottom: 1. Actress Alla Nazimova sits casually atop an enormous mushroom, 1919. 2. Actress Patricia Avery paints Easter eggs on set, 1927. 3. Actresses Jean Parker and Mary Carlisle meet a terrifying giant Easter rabbit, 1932. Read more...

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