No, Companies Shouldn’t Pay Women to Freeze Their Eggs Ifeadi C. 06:31 WIRED, Zero Tech Blog It seems like a family-friendly policy, but actually it's not. The post No, Companies Shouldn't Pay Women to Freeze Their Eggs appeared first on WIRED. via Zero Tech Blog Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related PostsHow the FBI Took Down Russia’s Spam King—And His Massive BotnetMath’s $1,000,000 Question Isn’t Just for Mathematicians AnymoreFlight Lab: The Bizarre, Beautiful New Fliers of NASA’s Famed X-Plane ProgramThe Fascinating Art of Hollywood’s Made-Up Languages, From Dothraki to KlingonThese Concrete Relics in Arizona Helped Satellites Spy on the SovietsVoid Star: Terrifying Silicon Valley Sci-Fi Only an AI Expert Could Pen