Two new champions have arrived on the League of Legends public beta to shake up the bottom lane: lovers-in-arms Rakan and Xayah.
Rakan the Charmer is the support-half of the relationship. He's a flashy and highly mobile instigator with abilities that allow him to leap or sprint into action to land damage on opponents or offer a shield to an ally. Xayah the Rebel is the AD carry-half of the relationship. She's a deadly and tactical reactor that prefers to dance around the edge of battle and dish out sweeping attacks against multiple enemies.
Not only does this dangerous new couple look like they’ll play well together, they actually get specific benefits when they're on the same team, including shared speed and damage buffs when they trigger abilities near each other, and the option to sync up recalls. Talk about champion synergy. Read more...
More about Xayah, Rakan, Esports, Gaming, and Riot Gamesvia Zero Tech Blog