Donald Trump is nothing if not unpredictable. Does he love Paul Ryan? Does he want the Speaker of the House to step down? Will the whole world be a barren wasteland by the time my future children are in 8th grade?
The Sims 3, on the other hand, is a formula. There is a way things go in the game, predetermined by equations and probabilities and others things too boring to talk about.
So I decided to create a Trump character in The Sims to see how he fared in a virtual environment. I had three big questions: if I made an exact replica of Trump in The Sims 3, how closely would he follow the real Trump's path, and would it even be possible? Can The Sims 3 tell me what is going to happen next? And perhaps most importantly: can I play The Sims 3 at work and not get in trouble? Read more...
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