I made an exact replica of Donald Trump in 'The Sims 3' and a lot of wild things happened


Donald Trump is nothing if not unpredictable. Does he love Paul Ryan? Does he want the Speaker of the House to step down? Will the whole world be a barren wasteland by the time my future children are in 8th grade?

The Sims 3, on the other hand, is a formula. There is a way things go in the game, predetermined by equations and probabilities and others things too boring to talk about.

So I decided to create a Trump character in The Sims to see how he fared in a virtual environment.  I had three big questions: if I made an exact replica of Trump in The Sims 3, how closely would he follow the real Trump's path, and would it even be possible? Can The Sims 3 tell me what is going to happen next? And perhaps most importantly: can I play The Sims 3 at work and not get in trouble?  Read more...

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