Huge snake falls through gym's ceiling because even indoors isn't safe


So you think you're safe from snakes inside? Not in Australia.

Chantal Vaughan, the owner of Bokwa CQ gym in Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia walked into work on Tuesday and discovered a large hole in the ceiling of her business. 

Vaughan told The Morning Bulletin that she figured it was just a possum, so she went on working like it was nothing. Big mistake.

"I didn't think too much of it and I thought, 'I hope it's not a snake,'" Vaughan told The Bulletin

Guess what? It was a snake.

On Thursday Vaughan received a text from her cleaner, informing her that she found a massive snake inside the gym. We're pretty sure that message warranted a phone call, but we're not judging the cleaner for sending a text.  Read more...

More about Nature, Wtf, Snakes, Australia, and Watercooler

via Zero Tech Blog

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