Facebook is turning into a confusing social nightmare


Facebook! It's a confusing mess these days.

The network, in its efforts to become a bit more social again, has drowned users in new features, tests and other distracting knickknacks — and for perhaps the first time in the service's 13-year history, it's not altogether clear what you're supposed to do when you log in each day.

A quick rundown: In the past few weeks, Facebook has introduced a "Stories" feature, a new way to post colorful blocks of text as status updates, a "false news" identification tool, and, for some users, a new "rocket" icon that connects to an alternate news feed filled with bits and bobs you'll supposedly enjoy interacting with based on what the company's algorithms understand about your behavior. That's a lot! Read more...

More about Instagram, Snapchat, Social Media, Facebook, and Tech

via Zero Tech Blog

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