CheckRecipient, a London startup that uses machine learning to stop misaddressed emails, raises $2.7M Ifeadi C. 16:03 TechCrunch, Zero Tech Blog CheckRecipient is a London startup that uses machine learning to help prevent emails being sent to the wrong recipient. Read More via Zero Tech Blog Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related PostsMatroid can watch videos and detect anything within themPlease forgive Ed Sheeran for forgetting the words to his own song in front of the entire worldGillmor Gang: Loose ChangeThat awkward moment when Republicans failed to kill Obamacare but they bought boastful TV ads anyway and now they're airing, LOLTV’s Best Political Show Might Just Be The Originals. Yeah, the One With the VampiresIn 1939, evicted sharecroppers held a roadside protest that captivated the nation