An Enormous Hunk of Ice Gets Stuck in Iceberg Alley Ifeadi C. 13:46 WIRED, Zero Tech Blog Tourists gawk at the glorious iceberg that appeared in Ferryland, Canada. The mayor remains unimpressed. The post An Enormous Hunk of Ice Gets Stuck in Iceberg Alley appeared first on WIRED. via Zero Tech Blog Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related PostsBarack Obama shares heartfelt response to mass shootings, calls for stricter gun lawsThis robot climbs walls so that humans don't have to — Strictly RobotsWhat to look for in a portable charger before you travelABC just announced a 'The Little Mermaid' live concert with a flawless castThis smart shower claims to save 50 percent of your water — Future BlinkPilot crashes plane and proceeds to vlog his rescue from the Canadian wilderness