2017: A fresh start for everyone but the teens.
Apparently, some teenagers didn't get the memo that this year was going to be a better year for us all, and have already almost ruined it.
Here are 11 instances teens took things way too far and threatened our happiness in 2017.
When this kid got Ryan Reynolds' name tattooed on his butt because the actor 'liked' his tweet:
@VancityReynolds if you like this i'll tattoo your name on my butt
— dustin (@poolspidey) March 5, 2017
@VancityReynolds your wish is my command http://pic.twitter.com/EluTrtoRYi
— dustin (@poolspidey) March 26, 2017
When they, as a group, tried to make breaking their thumbs trendy
More about Challenge, 2017, Lol, Wtf, and Teensvia Zero Tech Blog