Mansplaining is the worst. Even in 2017, men are still "explaining" things to women in a condescending and patronising manner. Not cool.
Host of the "Another Round" podcast at Buzzfeed, Tracey Clayton, asked women to share their everyday experiences of mansplaining and — somewhat depressingly — the responses flooded in.
women, what's the most infuriating thing you've had mansplained to you?
— Tracy Clayton (@brokeymcpoverty) March 21, 2017
From women being told how to pronounce their own name, to men explaining women's jobs to them; these stories will make your blood well and truly boil
One woman described her experience of being simultaneously whitesplained and mansplained by a younger man. And, during this "explanation" he made racial slurs about Michelle Obama. Read more...
via Zero Tech Blog