Chris Evans calls ex Jenny Slate 'my favorite human' so he's probably trying to make us cry


If there's any justice in the world — which Captain America should be doing his damnedest to make sure there is — one day, we'll get a romantic comedy about the bittersweet romance of Chris Evans and Jenny Slate. 

Shortly after Slate opened up her relationship with Chris Evans last week, her superhero ex boyfriend spoke about her Wednesday in equally kind, glowing terms. 

"She's my favorite human," Evans tells People. "She's the best."

"I’ve never ever ever met someone in my life who has a mastery of the English language the way she does," he continues. "She’ll give you one sentence and there’s no fat to it. You’re like, ‘You just chose such an unbelievable collection of words that beautifully articulate what you say.' It’s like an art form talking with her, because the visuals associated with her expression are just so colorful." Read more...

More about Celebrities, Celebrity Breakup, Jenny Slate, Chris Evans, and Watercooler

via Zero Tech Blog

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