#BlackWomenAtWork hashtag uncovers the everyday racism black women face at work


The disrespectful and condescending treatment of two prominent black women in the U.S. has sparked a global hashtag campaign about everyday racism. 

On Tuesday, Fox News commentator Bill O'Reilly said he couldn't listen to Congresswoman Maxine Waters' latest speech about Trump because of her hair, which he called "a wig." Later that day, U.S. Press Secretary Sean Spicer told veteran journalist April Ryan to "stop shaking her head" in response to an answer he gave.

Women around the world have since been sharing their "Maxine and April moments," using the hashtag #BlackWomenAtWork to highlight the everyday reality faced by black women. Read more...

More about Lifestyle, Workplace, Watercooler, Bill O Reilly, and Sean Spicer

via Zero Tech Blog

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